Top of the line Fabrics
We made a decision early on to use only the best fabrics available on today's market. Unlike our competitors, we relentlessly seek the best sources, and we often pay twice the amount for a roll of fabric that "looks" similar to a lower end one but that is of higher quality. We know the difference is huge when these fabrics are be exposed to high winds and harsh conditions. This is the reason why our suits have a reputation of being indestructible!

Computerised pattern making
Our senior pattern maker creates all our patterns on a modern software system. This allows us to be ultra precise in all our pattern adjustments, which means that your suit will follow every little curve your body perfectly.

Heavy Duty Sewing Machines
We believe that every details count. So by using the best machines available, we are making sure that each stitch on every suits we make is perfect. We have just over 20 sewing machine that run daily sewing up suits!

Automated Cutting Table System
Every jumpsuits we make is cut on our high-precision automated cutting table. The custom pattern's digital file goes directly into the cutting table's computer system, which allows us to be ultra precise, while keeping our production rolling at a high pace. In other words, we make better suits faster!

Tajima Embroidery Machines
All our suits embroideries are made in-house on high-end embroidery machines which are operated by our dedicated skilled embroiderer.