Humble Beginnings
This is where it all started: In our 2 bedroom basement suite where we converted one of the bedrooms as an office. We had a single sewing machine. You can even see on the wall the first logo sketches.
Shaping up as a business
It got to a point where our whole apartment was crowded with sewing machines, rolls of fabric and various supply! It was definitely time to move. We managed to rent half a hangar on the airport where our home DZ was located. This is where we hired our first employee. We eventually were able to afford to rent the full hangar and grew to a 3 employee operation.
Moving on
After 5 years in the previous hangar, it was time to upgrade to a more modern facility and we needed to make room for more sewing and embroidery machines. That year we swapped all of our sewing machines for brand new ones and added 2 embroidery machines to our operation.
Automatic Cutter
After a steady increase in business, our production line was having a hard time keeping up, so it was time to speed up things. What better than an automatic cutting machine to help us keep up with the increasing orders! With this awesome piece of machinery, we were able to double the speed of our production while gaining the uttermost precision on our pattern cutting process. Therefore making better suits in a faster time.
Doubling the space
After only 2 years in our new location, we realized that our space was too small to hold our fast growing business needs. So when we had to opportunity to double our space, we jumped on it.
Doubling Again!
Crazy as it sounds, demand kept increasing and we needed to find a way to reduce our production timeline and meet the demand while keeping our high standards.. So we doubled our space again, bringing in another cutting machine and hired more qualified production staff!