I am proud to be a Vertical Suits athlete, and know that I can count on their gear to help me coach, compete, train, fly and have fun when I'm in the wind. I expect my gear to help me perform to the best of my abilities, and Vertical Suits always delivers on that promise.

The Flying Mikey
I am a full time flight instructor who started at Flyaway Las Vegas in 2004, where I learned to freefly without any spotting! I enjoy competing in all tunnel and skydiving events since my first USPA Collegiate Meet in 2007 but, have been jumping since 2005, yay Skydive Mesquite. Over the years I have flow in 31 tunnels and spent a majority of my time at SkyVenture Colorado where I had the privilege to work on the SVCO Boogie Tour. I now call iFly Minneapolis my home tunnel and look forward to jumping as much as possible. I do my best to share my joy and passion for flight with others, and find my happiness in coaching people in all areas of flight. You can find me throwing flip-twists at a DZ or tunnel near you :)

Mike's Records
Home Drop Zone: Skydive Twin CitiesNumber of Jumps: 2000+
Hours in Tunnel: 10,000+
First Jump in: 2005
Main Discipline: Trickflying
Mike's Suits