The products and the customer service are the reasons I have been with Vertical since I began skydiving!!

Who is Kev Skyflyer?
A little about myself! I have been competing in Canopy Piloting for 3+ years, and will be competing in Open this year! I am the videographer for Skydive Orange Crush MFS and Skydive Orange Live VFS. I love all things Canopy, MFS,VFS, and tunnel! My goals are simple: Push my self to become the best I can be in all aspects of the sport that I focus on! Nothing beats getting your toes wet on the pond !! Swoops up!
Kev's Records
Home Drop Zone: Skydive OrangeNumber of Jumps: 2500+
Hours in Tunnel: 100+
First Jump in: 2011
Main Discipline: Canopy Piloting, MFS and VFS