Browse our collection of stock suits. If it is listed here, it is available for purchase. If you order a stock suit and it does not fit, you can return it for refund, however you will not be refunded for shipping.
Viper Elite Suit Men | 6'0" 186lbs
Style: Viper Elite Features: Main color black cordura naturalle, flex collar, magnetic closure, name on collar Oscar, articulated elbow & seat, Ifly emboridery
Fusion Suit Men | 5'5"-140lbs
Style: Fusion, prototype, men Features: Main color royal blue taslan, flexi collar, red cordura articulated elbows & knees, hidden wrist & ankle cuffs, windproof blue spandex.
Flex Suit Men | 5'6"/5'7"-140/150lbs
Style: Flex Suit.
Features: Main color royal blue taslan, flexi collar, arm torso leg stripe red, hidden spandex wrist cuff, extra fabric on legs and knees.